Friday, April 20, 2007

How To Comment On Blogs Properly

Blogs are very much a social tool. When you visit blogs and leave comments responsibly it doesn't take long before people will be visiting your blog and returning the favor. It can be an all around great experience to comment on blogs because you are getting involved in a community by building relationships, which will also bring you traffic to your site. Unfortunately, with all the comment spam going on, many bloggers become wary. If you commonly leave legitimate comments on other people's blog, these pointers will help you stay on the good side of the blogs you visit.

Don't slap your affiliate links in the comments. a blog is not the place to post affiliate links., Affiliate links are not acceptable This one single action will get you in the black books of many a blogger when you could build bridges instead.

Stick to the topic. Don't try to slip in some spam. If it's a business blog and your recommendation is not business oriented, recommending it makes you look like you're trying to spam. If you have something to raise that's relevant but not exactly on the same topic, a better way may be for you to blog about it and posting a trackback instead.

Ok, so what do you do if you strongly disagree with someone's blog post? Do you jump all over their post and spew your opinions all over the place? Let's hope not! You have every right to disagree with the writer, but do it in a way that you don't attack someone on their own property, their blog. Remember the saying, when you point at someone, you've got three fingers pointing back at you.

Use the website link and don't be greedy. Many blogs have a field for you to type in your URL. The blog system will usually use this URL to hyperlink your name to your site. Most people use it but some, don't and choose to post their links in the comments instead. Others load their URL in every place they can find making it look like ¨C you guessed it, spam and into the trash it'll go.

Your comment sounds too much like spam. See points above. Say something intelligent that contributes to the conversation. If you agree or disagree, tell them why. If you've had experience with the topic, share it.

Don't use other people's blog as a complaint center., Someone else's blog is not a place for you to complain endlessly., If you've got a problem Rant if you must, but don't turn it into a 10 page hate mail to the company you purchased the product from. Do it on your blog and send the blogger a trackback if available.

This may seem like a lot of rules and regulations but really it's just common sense. When visiting someone's blog you can equate that to visiting someone's home, so act accordingly. Commenting on their blogs is a great way to build your reputation in an industry and your circle of influence, which keeps the doors open for future projects. Think about others first and it will soon come back to you.

About the Author:
Lynette Chandler, the Tech Diva, regularly dispenses RSS and blogging info to business owners. To learn more about how you can get blogging, and do it well, visit
Added: 25 Dec 2006
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