Sunday, July 15, 2007

How To Successfully Market Your Business Weblog

Have you ever thought of the tremendous possibilities offered by business blogs? A content that can be spread through the entire network or an audience and that can be built overnight seems like an impossible feat. Marketing just got a little more exciting with the advent of blogs for business use.

Blogs in Relation to Business

Blogs or weblogs are dated journals on the Internet that play a huge role in search results. Based on the concept of free flow of information, the Internet has produced blogs that are basically opinions on a wide range of topics intended to educate the readers. Its ability to leave instant feedbacks has caused these sites to have a certain degree of influence in the web community.

Search engines are partial to fresh content and would visit frequently if the update on the weblog is done everyday and if the site has a strong link with the blogging community. For websites that are either not indexed or suffer from low link popularity, a personal weblog serves as an avenue to present your point of view to the world and a way to build a well indexed site with strong link popularity. It is not uncommon for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) websites to improve their PageRank in a matter of months through having a weblog.

Most people who ended up blogging for a living just came to it accidentally. It is possible that blogging which was initially started as a side project can be more lucrative than the main business. Blogging can be an effective marketing tool for your company as it allows you to connect with others minus the corporate edge that can be alienating to some people.

Blogs are of use both to the writers and readers with everyone having a say on the blogosphere’s growth and changes. Business people find new ideas and affirmation of existing ideas through blogs. They are effective sounding boards for your business plans as fellow bloggers give their own views and comments to the matters you have set forward in your blog.

A good number of blogs of varied topics provide a wider perspective as different options. Ideas and alternatives pour in from others. Blogging is much more beneficial when you involve yourself in it by not only reading blogs but by joining a blog and commenting and voicing an opinion. Participation is what gives a blog its value.

Every business has its own tools of the trade. Blogs are considered tools of various businesses that are used to achieve its marketing goals. It can support a company’s on-line strategy in selling or supporting a product or service. However, not all kinds of business would need a blog. There are businesses that would not benefit in any way from blogging particularly those who have a target market that need not use the web to shop for services or products.

Blogs are in the company of direct mail, print advertising and other marketing means which all serve a particular function. It is not a requirement for every existing business but is admittedly a great success booster for those who need it. Information, advice, tips, resources and other things worth sharing can be maximized in blogs. Whereas a website may already have a great mechanism in place, doing business with the use of blogs as you write, update and dialogue with your readers can be very fruitful.

Effective Marketing of Business Blogs

The quality of content and its execution are both largely related to a blog’s success as a communication medium. Expertise or the lack of it would show thus it is highly recommended for any aspiring blogger to focus on topics that relates to work or to subjects of which adequate knowledge is possessed. Blogging for business requires both personal and corporate credibility to attract customers.

A blog should be frequently updated (daily if needed) so that information remains current and applicable to the specific industry it pertains to. Relevancy of any blog is measured on its ability to provide information of interest to its target market at the soonest possible time as well as the posting of any related breaking news as they come. It would be wise to ask for feedbacks as successful blogs are known to encourage reader participation. Concentrate on publishing informative articles if you are not open to criticism or a debate with regards to your ideas or policies.

Linking to numerous outside sources as well as other weblogs with related content sends a good message to your readers. It shows commitment in maintaining relevant and updated information from all possible sources. Simplicity as to graphics and color schemes combines best with good content. The text is the main reason why searchers read your content. Organized presentation is much preferred by users over glitzy but cluttered look. Categorical sections of topics should be provided if there is a wide range of topics covered while keeping an archive for older materials.

Patience is a virtue that should be practiced especially during the early stages of introducing a blog. A small initial readership is to be expected but an audience tends to grow organically as better content is provided. The potentials of blogging with respect to your own company will soon make itself known.

When a business has posted so much information online, it could be very difficult to provide new items to post regularly. Competition has required websites to continually strive to look fresh and attractive to encourage repeat visits from searchers. Blogs can make the difference as your observations and commentaries are unique only to you. A good commentary or analysis will set your site above the rest which could ultimately lead to being categorized as an authority in your specific field. Blogs at work are potential marketing goldmines.

Marketing efforts that are geared towards having a successful business blog include having a compelling title, an exceptionally good content and relevant links. All these require time and genuine interest to make a go out of your weblog. As in all things, knowing what your business is and what it can offer shall guide all your actions and decisions. You cannot honestly have a successful blog if you yourself don’t understand what message you would like to convey to your readers.

This brings us to the most important element of a blog – you! General information can possibly be accessed from other sites but information as you know it can only come from you. Readers are sophisticated enough to detect the real good sites from among a bunch of choices. Various opinion makers such as market leaders and innovators continue to use this public forum to share opinions, ideas and insights to build credibility as a good resource and use it to increase sales.

About the Author:
Danny Wirken
Content Provider:

1 comment:

mack said...

Thanks for sharing such great post, it will surly help many people who want such great info about blogging.